Reporting & Insights

Analyze and Grow Your Business

Gain valuable insights and make informed business decisions with comprehensive reports on your sales performance, customer analytics, inventory management, and product analysis.
Analytics illustration
Analytics icon

Real-time Data Analysis

Access detailed reports on your business: sales, margins, stocks, customers...

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Custom Reports

Tailor your reports and dashboards for effortless and insightful monitoring

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Decision Support Tools

Identify your top-selling or high-margin products, anticipate sales spikes, and make well-informed decisions

Valuation report illustration
Inventory reports

Optimize Your Inventory Management

Track the valuation of stocks and the Moving Average Cost (MAC)
Identify your top-selling products, including bestsellers with high profit margins
Track your inventory throughout the sales cycle, keeping track of reserved quantities, remaining quantities for delivery, and quantities awaiting invoicing
Manage expiration dates and anticipate necessary actions to prevent waste, ensuring optimal inventory control
Capture and document all your activities in the inventory log, ensuring comprehensive record-keeping of your inventory operations
Fichier d'écriture comptable (FEC)

Générez vos fichiers d'écriture comptables (FEC)

Extraction facile de vos transactions d'achats et de ventes
Intégration de vos transactions dans votre logiciel de production comptable
Possibilité d'exporter vos fichiers d'écritures comptables sur une période de temps précise
Activation simple à partir des paramètres
I am able to track my profit margins and overall profitability with ease, ensuring that I never miss a beat!
Camille Donat
Founder, Waat Distribution
Read Testimonial
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And app integrations

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